Do you want to volunteer in a vibrant community and support it to thrive?

Join us and have a rich community experience in exchange for working with us.

Spend one week or longer in our vibrant community of the heart.

Do you want to volunteer at one of our upcoming bigger events or festivals?

We are able to sustain ourselves as a community by having workers, like you, coming and helping with our basic day-to-day tasks. What makes us different is that our daily work is balanced with meditation, connection and friendship.

What you get in this exchange:

  • Opportunity to join 2 community meditations a day
  • Three beautifully cooked vegetarian meals daily
  • Sharing circles twice a week
  • Evening activities
  • 2 days off
  • A chance to learn new skills in our various departments
  • Opportunities to support & to join in at many of our workshops and events

What we receive:

  • Your support in the day to day running of Osho Leela including working in the kitchen supporting the chef with meal preparation, beautifying Leela in housecare – cleaning, tidying and setting rooms up for guests , in the vegetable garden and on our grounds and, occasionally, with building projects and maintenance (see below dropdown for more details)

A Typical Day

Your day starts with a Morning Meditation. Then, after showers and breakfast, you will join the community in the Morning Gathering for dancing & hugging. A great way to kick-start your day.

The rest of the day is interspersed with work, breaks and a 2-hour lunch break. We finish our workday with an Evening Meditation.

What a typical day looks like:

  • 7.00 – Morning Meditation
  • 8.00 – Showers & Breakfast
  • 9.00 – Morning Gathering
  • 9.30 – Work as Meditation
  • 11.00 – Coffee break
  • 11.30 – Work as Meditation
  • 13.00 – Lunch & Dishes
  • 15.00 – Work as Meditation
  • 17.30 – Finish work
  • 18.00 – Evening Meditation
  • 19.00 – Dinner & Dishes
  • 20.00 – Free time & optional workshops / sessions

Regularly, after dinner, the community organises extra workshops or fun sessions to join, like: Jam Sessions, Healing Space, Movie Night, Conscious Dance, Open Mic, Sauna, Tarot Readings, Conscious Relating, Theatre Games and more.


Wednesday is a day when community relating and organisation is the priority. The day begins with a slightly shortened version of the AUM (or another release session), a 90-minute social meditation bringing awareness to a range of human emotions.

After breakfast, we have sharing in peer groups or with all the community members.

Once a month in the afternoon, the full community participates in an activity or event to support connection. It can also be a work-related activity if needed.


Our unique formula for JOY!

Photo of Lucy

Osho Leela gave me the chance to experience a completely different way of being in the world. I realise how important it is to be surrounded by the people you would like to be like, and how the people here all influence me to show up in the world as my highest self.

Osho Leela is a real chance to begin over again. Everything you thought you knew about the world you are in will be challenged; you will leave as a new person.

Photo of jake
The experience is amazing. I’m making some real deep connections and learning a lot about myself. On Community Support, they mix us around doing house care, cleaning, working outside on the grounds and in the kitchen, so it’s diverse.

I love the countryside and grounds, and the food is the best! It’s really a great thing to come and do. You never really know until you experience it, what this has to offer to you. It’s different every day. Lots of meditation, lots of work, lots of social time – I’d recommend it to anyone. Come learn about yourself.

Photo of Louise

I adore Osho Leela – I came here as I wanted to be in community and learn more about myself. I’m finding it fantastic: it’s challenging but I love it because I’m living with like-minded people and we’re in nature and just building lovely connections.

We have created a family, supported one another in our creativity, and it’s been joyful along with the expected hard work. I feel fitter, healthier and lighter on completion.


Please read the following section carefully before submitting your Volunteer enquiry form.

  • For first-time volunteers, it is a 7-day minimum commitment (Monday to Monday). We will review all requests to stay for a longer period. For repeat volunteers, we will deal with requests on a case-by-case basis.
  • We ask that you work 5.5 hours a day (3 hours in the morning, 2.5 in the afternoon). Work includes house care, kitchen (meal preparation), garden, grounds or general maintenance depending on where the community needs your help.
  • We ask that you commit to participating in one community meditation per day. Participation in our active morning meditations is highly recommended as these meditations are integral to supporting you to thrive here. Our evening meditations can also be active but gentler.
  • Attend our Wednesday morning peer sharings.
  • x2 days off per week
  • You will also have access to all the beautiful Leela medicine and magic such as hugging, connection, afternoon meditations, and all the evening sessions which offer an array of things such as open mic nights, sauna, creative workshops, dancing, nurture, and much more!
  • We conduct phone interviews to look at a person’s emotional and physical health. Volunteering can be physically demanding and living in a community can be emotionally demanding; therefore, we are looking for people who have a baseline of fitness. We are also looking for people with a ‘Yes!’ to showing up, being punctual, and being willing to work wherever it’s needed. Social meditations can be active and cathartic. Please be mindful of this in terms of your commitment to work and meditate and your suitability to participate. If you’re unsure whether to apply or not, please ask us. People with a different level of fitness can still be a good support for the community.
  • Should things not work out for you at Osho Leela, please ensure you have an address to go to before applying to join us.
  • If you have any questions, please contact our Booking Office on 01747 821 221.


This form is to join and experience community life in exchange for working with us. To join as a FESTIVAL VOLUNTEER apply HERE

If you are ready for the next step then please fill in this form and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss your application.

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