At Osho Leela, we live together as a community of the heart

Having pioneered strategies for co-living since 1996, we aim to live together in connection with the land and one another.

We now offer three diverse and exciting live-in programs. Please browse below to see which is appropriate for you.


Volunteering at Leela

You can come as a volunteer and have a rich community experience in exchange for work.

Cost: free


Living in the Buddhafield

We’re very excited to offer you this program where you have the opportunity to come and live with us, experience our community and have a change from daily life. From October onwards.

Cost per week: from £250


Retreats in the Buddhafield

We have created our own Buddhafield, a welcoming haven for our guests, including the offer of daily meditations, nourishing food, and a range of workshops and events in line with the week’s theme retreat

Cost per week: from £350