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Primal Healing
with Sanjula & Abhi
Thursday November 2nd – Sunday November 5th 2023

An exploration into unprocessed early-life issues

Experiencing very powerful bodywork techniques

Emotional expression, role play, sharing circles & re-birth

Creating space for forgiveness, gratitude and compassion.

Growing awareness of where our behaviours come from and create positive changes in our life.

Free your inner child and start celebrating the inner joy that is your birthright!

Osho Leela Workshops

Primal Healing

This weekend is an exploration into unprocessed early-life issues and the way they’re influencing your life in the present. Through very powerful bodywork techniques, you’ll be guided to consciously reconnect and release emotions that have remained locked in the body and in your mind set from childhood’s traumas and conditioning.

You’ll be supported in identifying the surviving strategies adopted in response to your environment as a child, and to let them go, so you can make decisions and move ahead in your life with more spontaneity and presence.

We’ll use emotional expression, role play, sharing and re-birthing to work on healing the main wounds of abandonment and invasion; on making peace with the past and letting go of old feelings towards the parents, to create space for forgiveness, gratitude and compassion.

When we are aware of where our behaviours come from, we are able to make positive changes in our life.

Free your inner child and start celebrating the inner joy that is your birthright!

By participating in the Primal Healing workshop you will learn to:

● Express and release stuck emotions
● Let go of negative conditioning and Self-beliefs
● Heal the wounds of the childhood
● Reconnect, take care, and free your inner child
● Start to transform the Relationship with your parents
● Celebrate your life as an adult

Primal Feelings is the second module of the Leela Life Training and it can be complete in itself as a stand-alone group.


Sanjula has been trained for many years at Humaniversity under the guidance of Veeresh. She specialises in working with women. She is also trained in Shamanic deep healing bodywork. She runs Empowerment for Women workshops at Osho Leela and has a young son. Sanjula has assisted and run primal groups for many years. Through her own healing, she has really learnt the art of forgiveness with her family.
Abhi is an Italian heartful friend and member of the Leela Community since 2017.
She is very passionate about Body Based Therapy and she has trained as a Bioenergetics facilitator and Active Meditation Leader. She practices and facilitates Breathwork and Bionergetics classes in and outside of Leela and she has been part of the Leela Workshops Staff Team since 2019. Abhi’s bodywork aims to relax the armours and holding patterns of chronic muscle tensions which are often subconsciously stopping the flow of energy and aliveness in the body.
She brings her vibrant enthusiasm and sensitivity into the commmunity with a natural grounding presence, and a real passion for life.


Start: November 2nd @ 5:00 pm
End: November 5th @ 6:00 pm

Price workshop: £460 (includes dorm accommodation & food)

Early Bird Price: £440 until 19th October

Accommodation supplements:
Own Campervan £0 (£3 p/d for hook up, if needed)
Regular room £105
Large room £120
Premium room £135
Single pod £90
Double pod £105

This workshop is also part of a 7 month group training. For more info about the training click here.

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