Intimacy & Relating
with Amura & Sarah
Friday February 9th – Sunday February 11th 2024
This is a closed group for trainees only.
What does Intimacy mean to you and what are you deeply longing for?
Entering a playful space with one and another and exploring the magical world of connection.
Practice ‘the art of relating’
This weekend we’ll be listening to our hearts, and our sex with sensitivity and curiosity.
Allowing ourselves to be seen and to truly feel good!

Intimacy & Relating with Amura and Sarah
What does Intimacy mean to you and what are you deeply longing for?
How connected do you feel to yourself and others, and how comfortable are you expressing your heart’s wishes, desires and asking for what you want?
When we start opening up to connection, we all bring our fears, insecurities and judgements, and we also all bring our longing, wishes and desires.
This weekend we’ll be listening to our hearts, and our sex with sensitivity and curiosity.
We will look at what is holding us back and encourage each other to gently step out of our comfort zone, entering a playful space with one another and exploring the magical world of connection.
There’ll be time for intimacy with ourselves and quality time with each other.
We’ll explore tools to express ourselves more freely and practice ‘the art of relating’
Allowing ourselves to be seen and to truly feel good!
By participating in the Intimacy & Relating workshop you will learn to:
● Empower yourself
● Let go of negative conditioning and Self beliefs
● Create authentic and honest Friendships and Relationships
● Create Confidence around Love Relationships
● Learn to fully express your desires
● Accept that you are a beautiful and loveable person
● Celebrate your life with friends