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Celebration & Vision

Friday 25 April – Sunday 27 April 2025

(This is a closed group for trainees only)


The Leela Life Training is a 7-workshop program specifically designed and delivered over 7 months to support you in your personal growth and development.


In this workshop we will be focusing on your passion for being alive!

Gaining clarity for the next steps in fulfilling your life, and sharing your gifts.

Letting go of blocked energy.

Accessing the freedom to live your life with passion and joy.

Empower and affirm your unique vision!


By participating in this workshop you will learn to:

  • Renew your passion for life
  • Gain clarity about your direction in life
  • Liberate yourself from past inhibitions
  • Express your creativity
Osho Leela Workshops

Celebration & Vision

Celebrating our life is different for everybody and in this workshop we will be focusing on your passion for being alive, and gaining clarity for the next steps you will take in fulfilling your life, and sharing your gifts.

We will work with your goals and your vision, supporting you in manifesting where you are going. Letting go of blocked energy, will give you the freedom to live your life with passion and joy.

With the deep friendships and connections you will make, we will use this energy to empower and affirm your unique vision.

Leela Life Training Workshop 2024/2025 Dates:

18th – 20th October Yes to my Life with Osho Leela Team

22nd – 24th November Emotional Awareness with Sanjula, Amrita & Team

12th – 15th December Primal Healing with Sanjula, Abhi & Team

9th – 12th January Empowerment Intensive with Bhavo, Abhi & Team

21st – 23rd February Men/Women Alive with Bart, Khalis / Amiya, Louise & Team

14th -16th March Intimacy and Relating with Navanita & Team

25th – 27th April Celebration and Vision with Osho Leela Team


Sanjula has been trained for many years at Humaniversity under the guidance of Veeresh. She specialises in working with women. She is also trained in Shamanic deep healing bodywork. She runs Empowerment for Women workshops at Osho Leela and has a young son. Sanjula has assisted and run primal groups for many years. Through her own healing, she has really learnt the art of forgiveness with her family.
Amiya is from Spain and has been connected to Osho Leela since 2013. She is a sensitive, intuitive and creative woman, and is part of the group therapy staff for the training and intensive programmes at Leela. Amiya is passionate about female empowerment and vitality, wellbeing and nature. She loves facilitating women’s groups, and she brings her passion for heartfelt connections, astrology, dance, creativity and meditation. Amiya has completed a four year Therapist training at the Osho Humaniversity in Holland; she has a background in Occupational Therapy and has worked with people for many years. She has an interest in women’s health and healing, bringing her experience of her own healing journey.
In the mid 80’s Khalis left Glasgow depressed and possibly on his way to being an alcoholic. He was looking to find happiness out there in the big wide horizon. Travelling the world, he arrived in California and bumped into the world of Osho and meditation.
‘The answer wasn’t out there, it was in there.’
The ever-evolving discovery of the simple process of sitting and focusing on breathing brought him a sense of wonder, calm and empowerment. He didn’t need alcohol, money or women to feel valued.
Looking inside at all his supposed imperfections and mind f*cks he found a long and winding road towards acceptance.
He has been meditating (also active meditations involving moving his body and using his voice) for over 30 years and he still gets stressed and anxious, BUT through meditation techniques he has the tools that help navigate his life in a healthy way. Meditation is the foundation on which he is built and he likes to share this passion with other people.

She’s a heartful friend and member of the Leela Group Therapy Staff since 2019. She’s a certified Bioenergetics facilitator from the Italian Academy A.I.O.C. She is very passionate about Body Based Therapy and she practises and facilitates Bioenergetics classes in and outside of Leela. Abhi’s bodywork aims to release the traumas in the body and to relax the armours and holding patterns of chronic muscle tensions which are often subconsciously stopping the flow of energy and aliveness in the body. She brings her vibrant enthusiasm and sensitivity into the community with a natural grounding presence, and a real thirst for life.

Details: this is a closed group for trainees only

Start: April 25th 2024 @ 5:00 pm

End: April 27th 2025 @ 7:00 pm (dinner at 6pm is included)

The whole training will still be available to book if you decide to join after participating in Primal Healing (12 – 15 December), but not after this. To book the training, please phone the office.

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