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Man / Woman Alive!
with Bart & Navajata, Sanjula & Amiya
Friday December 1st – Sunday December 3rd 2023

All beings contain the Yin and the Yang.

In order to live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us we need balance between the two.

During this beautiful weekend of Sister- and Brotherhood, we will support each other to go deep, rekindle our authentic power and open our hearts to ourselves and to each other.

Become the man / woman you always wanted to be – unique, authentic, loving and empowered.

Women in a field making heart symbols with hands

Woman Alive! with Sanjula & Amiya

When women come together in a circle, a depth of vulnerability, a power, a knowing is created. We become greater than the sum of our individual parts. During this beautiful weekend of Sisterhood, we will support each other to go deep, rekindle our authentic power and open our hearts to ourselves and to each other. All beings contain the Yin and the Yang. In order to live in harmony with ourselves and the world around us we need balance between the two. Patriarchal society, unfortunately tips both male and female energies into disharmony. Yin is the feminine principle; receptivity, strength through softness, deep darkness allowing emergence into the light, negativity (as the charge that grounds us to the earth). This workshop will be an exploration of how we can live by listening to and trusting our own womb wisdom and yin nature. We will enhance and make use of the qualities that are naturally ours.


Man Alive! with Bart & Navajata

This weekend workshop will really support you to stand up and take your space as a man. Many “new age” guys are very sensitive, which is great. But it is also very important that you can develop the side of yourself that is powerful and spontaneous, sensitive to consequences but not controlled by a fear of what others might think. Become the man you always wanted to be – unique, authentic, loving and empowered. We will devote Saturday to coming into your power, your male gut energy. Sunday we will empower you to discover Your Vision, where you want to go next, and to examine and overcome any obstacles. Can you stand up and be seen for who you are without fear? Or do you feel controlled by guilt and a need to please others? Can you take a position for yourself? Or are you afraid of how others might react? Do you know your Vision? Or do you struggle to move forward?

By participating in the Women Alive workshop you will learn to:

  • Trust your inner womb wisdom
  • Feel empowered to shine your light
  • Express emotions
  • Accept you are a powerful, beautiful woman –
  • Make positive change around self-image and self acceptance
  • Receive nourishment from your sisters
  • Feel good about yourself – Improve your relationships with women
  • Share deeply

By participating in the Man Alive workshop you will learn to:

● Empower yourself.
● Let go of negative conditioning and Self beliefs.
● Create authentic and honest Friendships and Relationships.
● Create Confidence around Love Relationships.
● Learn to fully express your desires.
● Accept that you are a beautiful and loveable person.
● Celebrate your life with friends.


Bart is the Founder of BrightSky Community and is passionate about creating positive change, shamanic healing, music and community.Bart has a big and generous heart and he loves to support people in finding their way back to their hearts and to inspire them to live a meaningful and nourishing life.
Sanjula has been trained for many years at Humaniversity under the guidance of Veeresh. She specialises in working with women. She is also trained in Shamanic deep healing bodywork. She runs Empowerment for Women workshops at Osho Leela and has a young son. Sanjula has assisted and run primal groups for many years. Through her own healing, she has really learnt the art of forgiveness with her family.
Navajata is a Humaniversity therapist and consultant with more than 20 years experience as a therapist in the areas of Emotional Wellbeing, Anger Awareness, Responsibility and Addiction. His personal search started after an extreme life trauma and his heart began to open when he met Osho and then Veeresh at a time when he was battling with addiction.
He has spent over 17 years at The Humaniversity in The Netherlands and has been part of the team at Osho Leela since June 2019. Along with his intense life experience, he brings empathy, clarity and understanding to his work with people.
Amiya is from Spain and has been connected to Osho Leela since 2013. She is a sensitive, intuitive and creative woman, and is part of the group therapy staff for the training and intensive programmes at Leela. Amiya is passionate about female empowerment and vitality, wellbeing and nature. She loves facilitating women’s groups, and she brings her passion for heartfelt connections, astrology, dance, creativity and meditation. Amiya has completed a four year Therapist training at the Osho Humaniversity in Holland; she has a background on Occupational Therapy and has worked with people for many years. She has an interest in women’s health and healing, bringing her experience of her own healing journey.


Start: December 1st @ 5:00 pm
End: December 3rd @ 6:00 pm

Price workshop: £350 (includes food & dormitory accommodation)

Early Bird Price: £330 until November 17th

Private accommodation supplements:
Regular room £70
Large room £80
Premium room £90

This workshop is also part of a 7 month group training. For more info about the training click here.

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