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The School of Playfulness

Who says your spiritual practice needs to be serious?


A 3-module training with Ailon

(each module can be joined as a stand-alone workshop)

Module 1: The Practice of Playfulness

Connect to the freedom of your inner child

March 21-23

Module 2: Speak from your Heart

Find your inner voice and self-expression

April 25-27

Module 3: Clown Healing

Explore the union of playfulness, sensitivity and wonder

May 23-25

“The whole of life is a great cosmic joke-not a serious phenomenon.

That is why we call existence Leela- a divine play.

Take it seriously and you will miss. Laughter is the highest peak of growth and it is through laughter that you will find God. ”


What if the spiritual path didn’t need to be serious all the time?

What if playfulness and creative self-expression could become the door to your self-knowledge?

The School of Playfulness Training is just that.

A creative, mindful and embodied voyage that delivers self-awareness and transformation while also being an enormous amount of fun.

Our philosophy is simple- laughter and celebration are just as essential on the journey of transformation as decades of meditation and years of analysis. Playfulness can be a method of liberation and clowning is a gateway into deep emotional healing.

The vision and the practice is firmly rooted in the teachings of Osho who pinpointed the disease of seriousness as an ailment of the soul. His remedy? Celebration, playfulness,laughter and joy as essential aspects of spiritual practice.

The modules will hold a maximum of 12 people so that a deeper inner process can take place.


This training is for you if:

You want to take yourself less seriously

You’ve done lots of therapy and meditation but frankly now find it all a bit boring

You suspect that you might have a creative superstar lurking within (aged about 7)

You simply want to have a laugh with friends without having to hide your vulnerabilities or real feelings

You want a more embodied way of being spontaneous and living in the moment

You resonate with Osho’s philosophy of life, love and laughter as a door to personal fulfillment


Module 1:

The Practice of Playfulness

Connect to the freedom of your inner child

March 21-23

In our first workshop, we will start by exploring a series of group games, exercises and structures that are designed to liberate us from our stiff adult personas. By playfully freeing our body, mind and emotions, we will connect to that more innocent and carefree part of ourselves known as the inner child.

As the course progresses we will look at certain muscle-groups of playfulness such as catharsis, exaggeration, imagination, silliness, spontaneity and misbehaviour. We may also dive into play in other ways such as playing with paint, playing with musical instruments or playing with our voices as well as leaving space for spontaneous free-play much like kids in the playground.

Above all, as our inner child wakes up and is given permission to be free, we will build a bridge between our outer adult and this childlike part, so that integration can happen.

During this workshop you will:

✔ Discover how The Practice of Playfulness is a healing medicine that can transform emotions such as repression, numbness and disconnection into feelings of happiness, optimism and inner aliveness.

✔ See how the path of self-expression develops inner qualities such as courage, creativity, confidence and improved communication skills.

✔ Understand how play gives a strong taste of emotional freedom and moment-by-moment living in a real, embodied way.

✔ Be supported through regular sharing circles and times for self-reflection.


Module 2:

Speak from your Heart

Find your inner voice and self-expression

April 25-27

In the Speak from your Heart workshop we will begin our journey into vulnerability and authenticity by looking at the fears and blocks that we have around ‘being seen.’

Many of us carry a deep and profound fear of expressing ourselves in public, but together, we will create a safe space where each individual can discover how to gently melt and unfreeze the fear inside their system. Rather than trying to get rid of this fear, our approach is one of accepting and integrating it.

Once the melting has begun we start to look at how we can help our energy flow into self-expression and what the inner pathways might be for us to share our radiance, wonder and silliness with the world around us. This will involve a combination of playful, theatrical and mindful exercises that will support us to most lovingly ‘be who we are.’

During this workshop you will:

✔ Learn how to relax and melt the fear of public speaking and being seen through a soft and accepting approach.

Tap into your innate gifts, talents and skills and learn to be yourself even when others are looking at you.

✔ Find a pathway for dissolving your fears of criticism and failure by learning to open your heart and blend humour and playfulness with sensitivity and vulnerability

✔ Discover that sharing yourself in front of others is a powerful journey of self-discovery and wholeness that can guide you to become the most relaxed, easy and natural version of yourself.

Learn to share the uniquely weird and wonderful version of yourself that you can be with your best friends but not yet in public!

Bring forward the charisma or confidence that you secretly know lies within.


Module 3:

Clown Healing

Explore the union of playfulness, sensitivity and wonder

May 23-25

In our Clown Healing workshop we start to weave together the playfulness and the vulnerability that we have been working on so far. ‘The Clown’ is an archetype that can allow a human being to be both silly and irreverent as well as tender and sincere at the same time. This is a potent cocktail that allows an individual to truly get in touch with their emotional world. The catharsis of play and the sincerity of the heart brings forward both the emotions that we feel in the moment, as well as buried treasures lying in our emotional basement.

The Clown Healing approach lets us make our journey into our underworld a more light-hearted and irreverent one than traditional therapy, yet without sacrificing any of the depths. Because of their ability to be vulnerable, our inner clown can connect us to our own woundedness, bring it out into the open and from there, give the space to let these wounds transform. It’s very subtle work, but one tinged with the tears of joy and relief.

During this workshop you will:

✔ Develop a sense of emotional freedom and emotional flexibility

✔ Understand that your sense of humour is a vital lifeline in maintaining mental health and equilibrium

✔ Develop the capacity to accept yourself more easily and feel comfortable in being your weird, unique self

Learn to love and accept both the ‘good and bad’ parts of yourself, the strong and the weak

Bathe in laughter, play, merriment, joy, uplift and silliness

Discover a greater ability to ‘go with the flow’ and accept situations

Let go of perfectionism through the Clown path of failure

During this training you will:

✔️ Develop a holistic practice of playfulness that will energise your body, open your emotions and free your mind.

✔️ Release stress, open up to others, laugh out loud, build confidence and step out of your usual persona.

✔️ Gently dissolve and melt hidden fears of being seen by others and expressing yourself in public.

✔️ Rediscover your sense of aliveness, creativity and self-expression.

✔️ Have a visceral and embodied experience of inner qualities such as humility, acceptance, vulnerability, being in the moment, spontaneity and surrender.

✔️ Have regular sharings, hangout time and connection to yourself.

✔️ Meet a great group of friends with whom you can share warmth, play and laughter.

✔️ Have a lot of fun!

What are the benefits…

✔️ Loosen the grip of adult seriousness

✔️ Reconnect to your inner child and it’s qualities of playfulness, happiness, silliness and freedom

✔️ Experience the blessing of being seen and witnessed by others without having ‘to do’ anything special

✔️ Learn to fail, make mistakes, and celebrate your stupidity

✔️ Deepen your emotional intelligence. Feel and understand your emotions in an embodied way and develop emotional flexibility

✔️ Experience states of wonder, innocence, and surrender by accessing the clown archetype

✔️ Make increasing contact with your golden lifeline- your sense of humour

Get a taste of Ailon’s playful energy Here …

Your facilitator

Ailon Freedman’s adult life has been devoted to the synthesis and marriage of spiritual practice with humour and playfulness. He has worked as a yoga teacher, corporate facilitator and public speaking coach, as well as an artist, comedian, clown and drummer.

He has brought many of these elements together in his comedic performances as well as his Clown Healing, Speak from your Heart and Free your Inner Artist trainings. Ailon’s mission is to help people discover their sense of freedom, wellness and wholeness through creativity, celebration and fun. The School of Playfulness is the home for this endeavour

Thank you for bringing into fruition a space which is so playful and nourishing to the soul. To have all our parts come up and be met, not only with with encouragement but with love is so rare in this world.”

“This training certainly reaches the parts other trainings have not. I am grateful for your facilitation and your earned, lived wisdom. I learned so much about opening my heart and I’m now seeking to communicate from that place as often as I can.”

“It’s been a pleasure seeing everyone expand and grow along the journey into a deeper expression of themselves. It’s been the first place in a long time where I felt safe and accepted to just be myself and explore parts of myself no matter how crazy, silly and unexpected.”

“The course was challenging, safe and completely engaging. It gently took me to places I need to go but resist visiting. Ailon skilfully shared his personal journey, his considerable skills, his deep knowledge and experience in a masterful way that respected our shared humanity and the personal state and experience of each of us. We were shared into his knowledge rather than ‘taught at’. Highly recommended.”

“The combination of archetypal work, experiential learning, playfulness and support of a group was beautifully crafted by Ailon. His uniquely structured approach to embodying ourselves is transformational and truly special. Snap up a ticket, I highly recommend this work and will be back for more.”

“I lost three things from your Clown Healing workshop- a stiff body, a numb heart and a disease called seriousness”

“Clown Healing is the most fun you can have while working on your shit.”

“Ailon creates such a safe and humorous space for people to explore their inner joker and let go of their inhibitions. I was so supported and have since felt so much more free, playful and in touch with my emotions.”

Click on the bullets for more testimonials

5 reasons why stepping into a group container is transformational

1. Awareness – Interacting with others will naturally challenge old beliefs, fears or patterns you hold in relation to what you think about yourself or how you behave. Highlighting these aspects will support you to gain clarity on your next steps to reclaiming your power and creating positive change.

2. Support – Being in a group provides a network of support. You’re all together in the process so naturally bonds form that provide support in moments of challenge and triumph. Having a cheerleading squad, comfort and care, from like-minded people of a similar journey can support those moments when we most need it.

3. Accountability – Being part of a group who holds a similar vision can also mean you hold each other to account with the changes you want to make in your life, supporting your commitment and will-power!

4. Sharing – Being seen, heard and witnessed by others in your experience can be healing. We feel less alone in the change, we connect with our hearts and we find our voice.

5. Celebration – When we make positive changes for ourselves, it’s important to make a point of acknowledging it and celebrating our hard work so it may continue beyond the container.

It’s been a pleasure seeing everyone expand and grow along the journey into a deeper expression of themselves. It’s been the first place in a long time where I felt safe and accepted to just be myself and explore parts of myself no matter how crazy, silly and unexpected.”

The School of Playfulness Training Dates:

Module 1: March 21 – 23
The Practice of Playfulness”
Connect to the freedom of your inner child

Module 2: April 25 – 27
Speak from your Heart”
Find your inner voice and self-expression

Module 3: May 23 – 25
Clown Healing”
Explore the union of playfulness, sensitivity and wonder


Arrival time first module: Friday March 21st @ 6 pm
Training starts: 8:00 pm (we encourage you to arrive early so you have time to settle in and join for the optional meditation (starting 5.50pm) and dinner 7pm)

End first module: Sunday March 23rd @ 6 pm (dinner is not included for this evening)

Dates Module 2: April 25-27
Dates Module 3: May 23-25

Price full training: £950 (including 3 meals per day, dormitory accommodation & tuition)
Super Early full training Bird till January 14th: £825 (including 3 meals per day, dormitory accommodation & tuition)
Early Bird full training till February 22nd: £875 (including 3 meals per day, dormitory accommodation & tuition)

Each module can be joined as a stand-alone workshop: £350 (Early Bird till 28 Feb £320)

Please note you can now spread the cost over 3 payments with a payment plan

Private accommodation supplements for 2 nights:
Own campervan: £0 (£5 hook up per night, if needed)
Dorm Bed Deluxe £40
Regular room £70
Large room £80
Premium room £90
Pod single bed £60
Pod double bed £70

For more info about our accommodation & facilities check here.

If this workshop calls you but you want to know more, you are welcome to arrange a discovery call with Ailon to see if it meets your needs.

Email: ailon@schoolofplayfulness.co.uk

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