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Journey of the Sacred Feminine

Life Calls with Sanjula

26th – 28th April 2024

Join Sanjula and tribe on this weekend Gathering called ‘Life Calls’.

A moment to stop and listen to our intuition, learning how to deepen into the place of listening and how to be open to receive guidance from the earth and our own spiritual guides and teachers. It will also be a journey of letting go of what is in the way of allowing this connection to be established and for the tools that we hold inside to be explored and initiated. It will be a weekend, learning how to command your mind and body in a gentle way to become acquainted with the deeper part of your soul and its purpose.

Inviting you to join us on this first gathering of the Journey of the Sacred Feminine, where we will grow trust within ourselves and with our Sisters, where we will follow the call to be with Women, to journey together, to heal, to develop greater trust & gratitude and a deeper reverence for the sacredness of life, creating the steps towards sharing ourselves and our gifts from a deeper more aligned place.

The theme of this gathering is trust.

Together we will build a relationship with our own inner trust that our place on this earth is never questionable.

Who Is This Gathering For?

  • Women who want to recommit to their sacred journey
  • Women who are feeling alone on their spiritual journey, or are busy running their own business, or dreaming of sharing their gifts and don’t want to do it alone
  • Women who understand the importance of finding their tribe

During this Gathering You Will:

  • Learn through hearing how other sister are working with their own issues around trust.
  • Learn tools to take yourself deeper into meditation and activate healing – like igniting your soul contract for being on the earth in a way that will open up new pathways that you may not know of at present.
  • Find yourself being able to be alone, with a feeling of relaxation that there is nothing to fix, only love to experience yourself in a tribe of positive uplifting healing women.
  • This gathering is guided by a group of women who love and trust each other deeply and you will benefit from a variety of gifts that each woman will bring.

Join Us For This Rich & Beautiful Gathering

This weekend we will look at which areas of your life are affected by lack of trust in yourself. We will work on the beliefs under the behaviour that having this lack of trust creates. We will take steps to heal the element of trust on all levels: our minds, bodies and souls.

You will have a chance to deepen your relationship to sisterhood, create new meaningful soulful connections with those sisters dedicated to their own spiritual path or are wanting to initiate their spiritual path and practices.

Over this weekend we will:

  • Experience guided sharings, Meditations and breathwork

  • Spend time being on our sacred land
  • Tune in and listen to the Body & Soul
  • Learn how to practise discernment and how to protect our light and keep it healthy.
  • Dance, sing & hug
  • Create ceremonies together where our sacred feminine is honoured and restored.

Experiences working with Sanjula

I feel incredibly fortunate to have been both a participant and supporter in many of Sanjula’s workshops. Her Big heart allows her to truly see people for who they are, creating an extraordinary safe space that encourages individuals to delve into their inner worlds.

Karuna Louisa Marsh

Sanjula possesses the remarkable ability to create an environment where people can be present with themselves and others. This space allows participants to let go, explore their emotions, and gain clarity on their healing journey. Through her guidance, I’ve discovered my own empowerment and the endless possibilities for personal growth and creativity.

Sanjula’s workshops are transformative experiences that leave you feeling fully alive and vibrant. If you’re contemplating joining one of them, I wholeheartedly encourage you to take the leap. You’ll be grateful for the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive under Sanjula’s loving and kind guidance.

Meet the Facilitator

This work with women has been a passion of mine over the years. I worked with boundaries with women, I worked with abused women and now I feel at Leela we are going into a time of honouring the earth and honouring the sacred feminine in a way that has not yet been alive in our community. We are raising the energy of the feminine and this journey is the fire that will build the next phase of healing and growth that we will bring to humanity through our offering.

Sanjula will be joined and supported on this journey by a team of wonderful Women

Prem Turiya, Sally, Vimal, and Harmony.


Start: April 26th 2024 (Arrive from 3pm on Friday to settle in, dinner is at 7pm, the gathering commences at 8.15pm)
End: April 28th 2024 @ 6:00 pm

Price for this Gathering:

Full price: £330 Early bird: £300 (until 5th April)

Are you interested in the whole journey?

Price for the 4-gathering Journey of the Sacred Feminine:

Full Price: £1100 (including food & dormitory accommodation & the gatherings)
Early Bird till April 5th: £990 (including food & dormitory accommodation & the gatherings)

You can find out more and book the whole journey here!

Individual gatherings 2, 3 & 4 will be released by the end of April.

Accommodation is allocated on a first come first served basis.

For all enquiries, please phone the Osho Leela Booking Office on: 01747 821221

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