Leela Life Training
Starting Friday October 6th 2023
Osho Leela is delighted to announce that the Leela Life Training is OPEN for registration – the first workshop starts in October 2023!
The Leela Life Training is a 7-workshop program specifically designed and delivered over 7 months to support you in your personal growth and development.
This training will take you on a deep journey of self-discovery, and it will enable you to identify and make the changes that you need in all areas of your life.
This powerful inner work will give you the opportunity to identify, explore and let go of emotional burdens and unconscious patterns so you can start living and loving who YOU truly are!
The main elements of the training is to provide you a safe, loving and supportive environment to let go of any negative patterns, shame and conditioning which has been undermining your life, sabotaging your relationships, creating frustration and leaving you feeling disempowered.
This training will give you the opportunity to explore your potential in all areas of your life, as a powerful and loving human being. This means learning to trust yourself, being seen and standing in your power, speaking your truth in difficult situations. Learning to set healthy boundaries in relationships and to celebrate your life in authentic connection with others.
So many of us are conditioned in our formative years by our family, teachers and society to behave in certain ways that are not always supportive in leading a life of authentic self-expression and creativity. We learn to ‘fit in’ to be accepted by those around us – and not be true to ourselves.
As a consequence of this, we undermine our own integrity and can often feel unfulfilled and stuck.
Often, it is only when life gives us a shock, that we realise we need to change something. It can happen that we finally see that we are living in fear or in an autopilot mode, being afraid to come out of our comfort zone.
It may also just be that you are at the point in your life that you are ready to go deeper inside, in all these cases, the Leela Life Training will give you all the tools to make positive changes happen.
Each workshop in the training will cover different areas of your life such as:
- Discovering your Inner Potential
- Healing the wounds of childhood
- Self-Empowerment
- Authentic Communication
- Being a Man/Being a women
- Honouring Desires and Intimate Connections
- Vision and Manifestation

The Benefits
The Leela Life Training is a truly alchemical process. By connecting monthly with the other trainees, you become part of a tribe which supports each other and are together committed to transforming their inner world.
By diving deep together the old patterns will be constantly challenged and they will start to lose their power over you.
Within the group, you will find the safety, support and accountability you need to move forward and create the life you deserve.
You will discover that any limiting ideas you may have of yourself will be challenged in order that the *real you* can emerge with more energy, passion and love so you can live a truly fulfilling life with whatever you choose to do.
This will positively affect your relationship with yourself – empowering you to bring your life into greater alignment with your vision for yourself!
By participating in the training you will learn to:
- Empower yourself and find your voice.
- Let go of negative conditioning and limiting self-beliefs.
- Create authentic and honest Friendships and Relationships.
- Stand up and be seen in all your colours!
- Learn to fully express all your emotions.
- “Get it” that you are a beautiful and loveable person.
- Celebrate yourself with friends.
Start: October 6th 2023 @ 5:00 pm
End: April 7th 2024 @ 6:00 pm
Price for 7-group Leela Life Training: £2300 (includes dorm accommodation only & food).
Early Bird till July 5th: £2000
It is possible to have private accommodation at a supplementary price. For this, please contact the Osho Leela Booking Office.
You can also pay for the training in 2 payments, £1200 payable at the start and £1200 after the 3rd group (this includes £100 admin charge).
For all enquiries, please phone the Osho Leela Booking Office on: 01747 821221
The whole training will still be available to book if you decide to join after participating in Primal Feelings, but not after this.
Should you not be able to attend all the workshops, they can be replaced the following year of the Training or during the same year with similar Leela workshop, previously agreed with the facilitators.