Gardening & Maintenance Weekend
19 – 22 October 2023
Gardening & Maintenance Weekend
Join a team of workers and sign up for this great project working together to create a more beautiful Osho Leela, whilst getting to know other like-minded people!
We are looking for Gardeners, Painters, and Handy People to come and support us!
There are plenty of repairs required & painting to be done, there is a never-ending list of maintenance tasks to see to! As well as lots of tidying up to do after the Summer season and getting things stored away.
And some love and attention is required to have the land and gardens prepared for the Winter Season!
There is plenty of weeding, pruning, and clearing, as well as harvesting in the polytunnels – which are still growing salad this time of the year, and harvesting the fruit that is growing on the land!
Bring a waterproof jacket and wellies if you have them, autumn showers are always possible!

We Offer:
First and foremost you are welcomed into the Osho Leela Community with no fee and you will have the opportunity to take part in our range of meditations, the morning gathering, and the evening activities, all optional.
We offer you tasty vegetarian food and shared accommodation or bring your own camper van or caravan.
Would you like to spend some time in this vibrant community where you can meditate, dance, hug, and connect as well as support the place to thrive?
Contact email: naviyippee@hotmail.com to apply!
Start: October 19th @ 5:00pm
End: October 22nd @ 3:00pm
Weekend price: £0 (pay for accommodation only).
Contact email: naviyippee@hotmail.com to apply!