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Gardening Week

An opportunity to come and nourish yourself by connecting to nature and the land, and to support us to Beautify the grounds of Leela this Summertime at no cost!

Monday 14th – Friday 18th October 2024


Welcoming you to join us for Four days of Community Gardening at Osho Leela!

We would love to invite the green-fingered gardeners to join us for this held experience which includes group sharings & mindful nature connection, as well as working together on these projects to beautify the grounds of Leela!

What kind of jobs will we be working on?

🍁 Weeding around mobile homes and pine cabins;
🍁 Weeding in the veg garden;
🍁 Harvesting apples and vegetables;
🍁 Making dry apple snacks;
🍁 Planting flowers/ herbs;
🍁Strimming and clearing debris.

Bring a waterproof jacket, warm clothes, and wellies just in case!

Whether you have experience or not, this is a chance to get involved, support Leela, and hang out with like-minded people!

We always have a lot of fun together and there will be plenty of extra goodies.

We offer:

First and foremost you are welcomed into the Osho Leela Community with no fee

We offer you three tasty vegetarian meals
including fresh organic salad and veg from the gardens
Shared accommodation (or bring your own camper van or caravan.)


There will be nourishing activities such as a sauna, a group sharing to support bonding with the team, mindful nature connection as well as the usual Leela medicine of meditations, morning gatherings and hugs (all optional)

Would you like to spend some time in this vibrant community where you can meditate, dance, hug, and connect as well as support the place to thrive?

 A Typical Day Includes:

  • 6.50am Morning Meditation (optional)
  • 9-9.30am Community Morning Gathering – Dancing and Hugging (optional)
  • 9.30-11am Working on projects
  • 11am Coffee break
  • 11.30-1pm Working on projects
  • 1pm Lunch and a break
  • 3-5.30pm Working on projects
  • 5.50pm Meditation (optional)
  • 7pm Dinner
  • 8.30pm Evening Activity (optional)


Arrive October 14th @ 5:00pm – Leave October 18th @ 5:00pm
Price: £0 (pay for private accommodation only)

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